Join Trellis and CFINE at Bonnymuir Green Community Garden for a networking seminar: garden tour, presentations and workshops for those interested in supporting people to garden and connect with nature for increased health & wellbeing. Includes soup & sanwich lunch.
Our focus this year is on wildlife gardening – why encourage wildlife into your garden and how to!
We’ll also hear from two therapeutic gardens - Aberdeen Royal Infirmary: Robertson Family Roof Garden and the Aberdeen Alcohol & Drug Action Garden, to find out how they support wellbeing.
Don't forget to bring along any Plants & Seeds you'd like to give away or swap in our Seed/Plant Swap Stall!
This event is suitable for anyone wishing to /already supporting people to garden in community, education, health and care settings.
Open from 09:45 for 10:00 start.
Welcome Tea, Coffee & Biscuits
A brief introduction to:
Cfine – Community Gardening & support (5 mins) - Rebecca Dunn
Trellis – TG Support & Resources available (5 mins) - Jenny Simpson
Round the room introductions (30 mins)
An opportunity to get to know who’s who!
Bonnymuir Green Community Garden Intro and Tour with Jen Hickling
Including ‘ Gardening for Butterflies and Moths’ with Brian Stewart, Butterfly Conservation (90 mins)
Networking Lunch Soup & Fruit (45 mins)
Stalls: Info Leaflets etc, Seed Swap/Plant Swap
How to Encourage Wildlife into your Outdoor Space video by Caroline Kerr-Smith
(45 mins)
Aberdeen Royal Infirmary: Robertson Family Roof Garden with James Falconer (30 mins)
Attracting birds to your garden/using garden spaces to create wildlife habitats with David Leslie, RSPB (30 mins)
Growing Recovery: gardening support with Anne McAlister, Alcohol & Drugs Action (30 mins)
Thanks & close of event
Photo by Leonardo Jarro:
Location, parking and transport: Bonnymuir Green Community Garden
We are up a lane on Bonnymuir Place - here is our location on google maps:
Buses that stop nearby are 3, 9 & 23.
We have bike stands.
If you need to park on the surrounding streets, you can use the Pay By Phone app or buy a parking voucher in the café!